Loan Services

Quick Rates

New Auto

as low as


Home Equity

as low as


Personal Loans

as low as


RV / Boat Loans

as low as


All loans rates and approval depend upon the individual applicant’s creditworthiness. All rates subject to change without notice. This Credit Union is Federally Insured by NCUA.

Looking for a Loan?
Join the Credit Union today to get started!

auto loans

Auto Loans

We have low auto loan rates and will work with you to make sure that you can afford your monthly payment.  Affordable payments along with direct deposit can be the winning combination that puts you in a new or used car sooner than you think!  Have a car loan with another institution?  Call us to see if we can save you money by refinancing your loan.

Personal Loans

We understand that unexpected expenses can arise at any time. Personal loans can provide the relief you need and can be used for any reasonable purpose.  Debt consolidation, home improvement and car repairs are just a few of the many possibilities.

personal loans
RV loans

Recreational Loans

Go ahead…you’ve earned it! A recreational loan is for the purchase or refinance of a recreational vehicle. Some examples are: RV’s, boats, ATV’s, campers, etc. The terms of these loans will depend on what type of recreational vehicle is being considered.

Stewart's Federal Credit Union 2025