Additional Services

Quick Rates

New Auto

as low as


Home Equity

as low as


Personal Loans

as low as


RV / Boat Loans

as low as


All loans rates and approval depend upon the individual applicant’s creditworthiness. All rates subject to change without notice. This Credit Union is Federally Insured by NCUA.

ATM Services

Access your credit union account 24 hours a day, seven days a week from thousands of ATM locations nationwide with your Stewarts FCU ATM card wherever you see the NYCE or Plus network logos.

The fees for using your ATM card at an ATM machine is $1.00, plus the surcharge from the machine operator. Credit Union members can use any Stewart’s Shops ATM or Broadview FCU branch ATM at no cost up to a combined 5 times per month.

Save the fees by using your ATM or VISA debit card (PIN based) at any Point of Sale Terminal and get cash back with no fee from your Credit Union.

Enjoy greater access at no cost with a VISA Debit Card.

Overdraft Protection

Overdraft protection is provided on your Draft account automatically. Funds on deposit in your Share account will automatically transfer to cover items posting to your draft account if needed. This protection is provided free of charge three times per month. Overdraft transfers required beyond the three free will incur a fee of $2.00 per transfer.

Wire Transfers

Stewart’s FCU can wire funds and receive wire transfers from any institution that has access to the FED Wire, including international wires.  There is no fee for incoming wires. Outgoing domestic wires have a service charge of $15.00.

For incoming wires contact the Credit Union to obtain the appropriate wiring instructions.

Notary Public Service

Notary Public Services are provided to all members free of charge during the Credit Union’s business hours. Please be sure to bring two forms of ID, one being a photo ID.

Gift Cards – Prepaid Visa Gift Cards

Our VISA® Prepaid Gift Cards are perfect for birthdays, weddings, or any special occasion because they can be used anywhere VISA® is accepted. Gift cards can be purchased and loaded at Stewart’s FCU for a small fee. Minimum load is $25.00 at the time of purchase. VISA® Prepaid Gift Cards are NOT reloadable

Stewart's Federal Credit Union 2025